We Defend the Constitution,Promote Solutions,Take Action,are the JBS

Who We Are

The John Birch Society is a member-driven organization dedicated to creating an informed electorate empowered to hold elected officials accountable to the Constitution and the principles of Liberty.

What We Do

We are a national network of local chapters involved in our communities educating fellow Americans on current threats to our liberties while informing decision-makers about constitutional solutions.

Our members are organized into local chapters who are supported by full-time field staff and our national organization. They work together to preserve and protect our God-given rights and national sovereignty through our various action projects and monthly goals, which are outlined in our monthly JBS Bulletin.

Our Mission

Less government, more responsibility,
and — with God’s help — a better world.

Get involved Today!

Devote your time, talent, and resources to an organization that supports your values and principles. Local chapters are supported by a full-time national field staff.

Increase your understanding of the Constitution, the Founding Fathers’ vision for our Republic, and the solutions to keep it safe from conspiracies.

Invest in freedom; your support is vital. Help restore our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Join us at local and national events to be inspired to take action. Learn about the dangers facing our country and how to push back.

Taking Action Has Never Been Easier

Receive State and Federal Legislative Alerts

Stay on top of legislation effortlessly. Sign up for free instant alerts on your phone or email.

Make a difference! Contact your legislators through calls, emails, and meetings to advance constitutional government.

With JBS monitoring federal and state legislation, you’ll receive timely alerts. In less than a minute, you can make your voice heard and influence the legislative process.

See Federal Alerts

Text “JBS” to 1-800-527-8721 to receive legislative action alerts via text message. Text “STOP” any time.

View Federal Alerts

See Alerts for Your State

What’s happening where you live?
Click on your state to view current issues.

JBS Action Projects: Defending Freedom Together

Our action projects target the critical challenges threatening our nation and God-given rights. They focus on two vital areas: safeguarding our national independence and upholding the U.S. Constitution. Together, these pillars are the foundation of a free, constitutional republic — and they need your support. Join us in taking bold action to preserve what matters most — our independence, our Constitution, and our future.

Resist Globalism

Globalist forces are relentlessly attacking our national independence, seeking to undermine the very fabric of our liberty. It’s time to hold our elected officials accountable and demand they follow the Founding Fathers’ timeless wisdom: Steer clear of foreign entanglements, and put America first.

Uphold the Constitution

The U.S. Constitution is under constant assault, and preserving it is essential to maintaining our Republic. We must ensure our leaders respect and actively uphold the principles enshrined in this bedrock of liberty. This starts with influencing them to govern with integrity and devotion to our founding principles.

The Freedom Index and Congressional Scorecards

The Freedom Index

The Freedom Index tracks the Senate and House of Representatives voting records. Its purpose is to inform you on how members are voting. It is used to create Congressional Scorecards, which highlight the records of individual representatives and senators and can easily be printed or emailed to others. The Freedom Index and Scorecards are nonpartisan; they are not meant to promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional alignment and cost to the taxpayers.

How is Your State Representative Doing?

We analyze key votes at the state level to provide an easy way for you to see how your legislators stack up against the Constitution. Visit TheFreedomIndex.org or select your state below to check your legislators’ scores.

Success Stories

JBS members are taking action across America.

Why Join The John Birch Society

Your membership helps support the ongoing work necessary to keep you informed, trained, connected and empowered to make a difference.

For as little as 13 cents a day, you can support the work of the JBS and help make the world a better place!