To stay ahead of the threats means you must stay educated. An important part of that education is to understand the mechanics of the U.S. Constitution and our Constitution Is The Solution workshop does just that. If you haven’t attended one of these workshops, I highly encourage you to do so. And if you have been to one, I encourage you to host a workshop yourself.

It’s easy to do, and we encourage contacting your local John Birch Society Field Coordinator to help you get started. They will show you how to create flyers and how to market the workshop. Much of it is done by making phone calls, sending out emails and posting flyers on social media. Smaller classes of about 5 to 15 people are recommended, as this allows everybody to participate in the discussions that happen at the end of each class.

Once you have completed the task of facilitating or attending a Constitution Is The Solution workshop, schedule a Power of 500 video showing and invite the attendees of The Constitution Is The Solution workshop. After watching the Power of 500 video, it’s time to work the “100/10/6” program to educate your local community about the dangers of a Constitutional Convention.

Go to our Stop A Con-Con Action Project where you will find many educational tools you can use and share with others. And as you scroll down the page, you will find educational materials you can purchase at

Informing others is essential and we highly recommend using the Article V Convention: America’s Answer? pamphlet as it provides an easy way to start first engaging people about the Article V subject. Once you’ve had time to review materials, talk with your local chapter leader or coordinator to see which materials would be best for distributing within your local community.

As you’re waiting for your items to arrive, devise a plan to get those materials into the right hands. With your help, we can defend the Constitution by stopping a Con-Con!

Learn more about Article V and the amendment process by visiting