About: CSpoehr

The Communist Ambush of Chicago

Have you seen the footage that the Chicago Police Department released that showed the ambush that “peaceful protestors” unleashed onto officers protecting a Christopher Columbus statue?The video demonstrates exactly the intent...

Law and Order Conspiracy

In the bigger cities, peaceful protests are turning into violent riots. Looters are stealing from and damaging the very businesses that keep the cities supplied with goods and employing people.Art Thompson...

Another Lockdown? Freedom is the Cure!

Bloomberg reports that in Florida the COVID-19 Wuhan virus is “out of control” and in California, “Los Angeles is on the brink.” Bloomberg also posted a video of a spokesman for...

How APEC Merges U.S. with Red China

Delving deeper, Christian Gomez examines how the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is using the Wuhan virus as a pretext for “accelerating regional economic integration” of the U.S. with Communist China through...

Our Private Property Rights are Eroding

When our Constitution was drafted, the Founders knew that Private Property was essential to a free Republican form of government. This is why the Bill of Rights mentions it in both...