About: CSpoehr

Merging Local Police Into National Police?

Leftist organizations such as ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter are not only calling for police reform but also de-funding and abolishing the police. This week Art Thompson discusses some fundamental principles...

Radical Left’s Intentions for America

“If we don’t get what we want, then we’ll burn this system down and replace it.” Another week, another radical leftist organizer from Black Lives Matter making statements that just affirm...

BLM Founder Admits Marxist Roots

Even though we have been pointing to these Black Lives Matter protests as organized by Communists, using Communist tactics, it’s nice when one of the founders of the movement actually admits...

Act Now to Support Your Local Police!

In this episode of Straight Talk, Christian Gomez discusses how you can Support Your Local Police and Keep Them Independent by joining or forming a new ad hoc “Support Your Local...

Marxism In Your School

What we are witnessing with the riots in Seattle is an effect of the Marxist Agenda. This week, Art Thompson discusses several instances he has personally encountered with the deliberate Marxist...

Trump Calls Out the Supreme Court

Late last week, President Trump came out swinging against the U.S. Supreme Court, after its latest ruling against the Trump administration. In less than a week, the Court had delivered two...

What’s Really Behind the Riots?

How do you ensure riots in the street will directly affect every single American? By using an old Communist tactic that nearly always guarantees results for those flooding the streets.We’ll look...

Radical Left Policing the Police

In this episode of Straight Talk, Christian Gomez looks at how the extreme left-wing in America is seeking to undermine our local police departments and other law enforcement agencies through the...

Tearing Down Our Founders | Constitution Corner

Protesters are justifying vandalizing and tearing down statues such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and even Abraham Lincoln because they represent the south and slavery. Dr. Duke Pesta highlights the background...