About: CSpoehr

5th & 6th Amendments | Bill of Rights

The Fifth and Sixth Amendments of the Bill of Rights deal with general jurisprudence. The 5th is best known for the fact that a person cannot be compelled to testify against...

7th & 8th Amendments | Bill of Rights

The Seventh and Eighth Amendments of the Bill of Rights finishes out the sections dealing with general jurisprudence. The 7th Amendment protects the right to a trial by jury in civil...

Dr. Fauci Has Got to Go!

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s so-called “solutions” are based on non-personalized “one-size-fits-all” quarantines, and empowering local, state, and federal governments with broad unconstitutional powers without the consent of the governed.Take ActionTell Congress and...

9th & 10th Amendments | Bill of Rights

When the Constitution was drafted, sovereign states were agreeing to unite into a federal government, a partnership, not a government that would rule everything. The Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the...

Development Leads to Future Success

A simple solution to what is happening in America today is organization and education. Follow along with Art Thompson as he shows you how to be effective in educating others and...

Shining Stars in the Hysteria Storm

With the continued crackdown of state and local governments over the Wuhan coronavirus, you may have missed a few shining stars that have emerged amidst this storm. We’ll look at a...

Ready for Global Health Governance?

While the media and supporters of global governance are using the current situation as an excuse to call for more resources to be placed into global institutions, President Trump is blaming...

How the Government Conditions You

Throughout history, Americans have been channeled to change how they think. This can be proven when comparing many definitions or even government reports over a period of time. Art Thompson gives...