About: CSpoehr

Government Gone Wild?

In this episode of Straight Talk, Christian Gomez explores how our rights are being quenched as more and more state governors and city mayors across the country impose draconian measures and...

When Government Expands, Liberty Contracts

In this episode of Straight Talk, Christian Gomez explores how emergency orders being issued by state governors are trampling on the Constitutional rights of American citizens.Action ItemsContact your state legislators and...

The True Costs of the Wuhan Coronavirus

While it’s early in the battle against the Wuhan coronavirus in this country, the initial estimates regarding costs are staggering, especially when it’s one of our own doing.We’ll look at not...

What to Do About COVID-19 Crackdown

“More than half of U.S. states have imposed lockdown measures restricting gathering and social contact, disrupting the lives of more than 100 million people and suspending the operations of thousands of...

How Patriots Can Weather the Storm

Our update on the Wisconsin lockdown and what all members and Americans can do to help right these very serious wrongs.Now, more than ever, your patriotic leadership is needed. Is this...

A Socialist Bailout and Digital Dollar?

Christian Gomez discusses the socialist ideas of both Republican and Democrat lawmakers in Congress to bailout the economy, including the creation of a new digital dollar.Action ItemsOppose the bipartisan CARES ActLearn...

Do Emergencies Trump Liberty?

If you’re not too keen on the government’s response to the COVID-19 virus, then you’re not alone. In fact, you’re in good company as many Americans are waking up to the...