About: CSpoehr

China Infiltrates America and the Media

China’s Coronavirus is making plenty of news headlines, but can we trust China to be honest with us? Or perhaps the better question is can we trust the mainstream media to...

Will America Face Its Own Brexit?

Britain joined the European Economic Community in 1973 as a free-trade arrangement. What they didn’t realize was the political integration scheme; better know as the European Union that they would need...

Trump Signed USMCA, Now What?

Even though President Trump signed the USMCA Implementation bill H.R. 5430 into law, it does not mean our work is over. Education is key if we want to stop the Deep...

Resumen De Los Estados Unidos — Overview of America

La presentación mas popular y ampliamente distribuida de The John Birch Society. “Resumen” ofrece una explicación sencilla sobre diferentes sistemas gubernamentales, economía básica y principios morales eternos. Gracias a estos principios,...

UN Funding Communist North Korea

The UN “Green Climate Fund” is funneling money to North Korea in the name of combating climate change, but history shows that the money – our tax money — is really...