About: CSpoehr

Battling the World-Wide Deep State

Post-Mueller investigation, President Trump is suggesting that it’s time to push back against what he classified as “treasonous things –against our country.” A lot of concerned Americans want to see justice...

USMCA Not a Win for America!

President Trump claimed that NAFTA was the “worst trade deal ever,” yet its replacement, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is clearly NOT America’s silver bullet to a better economy. By copying...

Is there Hope for Health Care?

The Department of Justice is backing an effort to fully repeal the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. Find out why this health care law needs to be repealed, NOT...

UN Official Calls for New World Order

The UN Environment Assembly recently wrapped up meetings with a call for a “new world order.” We look into what this entails for the average American in this episode of Analysis...

Elizabeth Warren: Replace Electoral College with Popular Vote

Democratic presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren calls for electing the president and vice-president via the national popular vote rather than the Electoral College.🇺🇸 Electoral College ResourcesDVD: https://bit.ly/2JwUlkYBooklet: https://bit.ly/2Fsb1WX☕️ Straight Talk Mug:https://bit.ly/2UOzJWB▶️...

Should America be the World’s Policeman?

Last week TheNewAmerican.com reported that simulations run by the RAND Corporation found that the U.S. military would lose a war if it went head-to-head with China or Russia. The proposed solution...

Hawaii Lawmakers Want 2ND Amendment Repeal

Hawaii legislators introduce resolutions asking Congress to either repeal or “clarify” the meaning of the Second Amendment.📰 Full Article:https://bit.ly/2T8d5GV▶️ More Related Videos– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwgIV3WL5XE– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N95gXDJ7p5o– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6RjMVoBIsw ...

So, You Want to Impeach Trump?

U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib appears to be making good on her earlier impeachment threats against President Trump. She plans on introducing articles of impeachment before the end of the month. Since...

Globalist Companies Pushing USMCA

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce announces the creation of the “USMCA Coalition” as its largest lobbying effort to convince both Congress and the American people to support the USMCA to economically...

State Rep. Matt Shea: Why Not Enforce Current Constitution?

Washington State Representative Matt Shea tells us why to support constitutional enforcement over a constitutional convention.Constitutional Enforcement Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS2zYUkKepApx-wkUZZacVG5VHQBWGbtXAdd your voice to this playlist if you are a local, state, or...