About: CSpoehr

SPLC: Targeting Americans Based on Hate (2012)

The Southern Poverty Law Center prides itself on “fighting hate, teaching tolerance and seeking justice.” Yet, explore their efforts targeting everyone from President Donald Trump to Fox News host Tucker Carlson,...

How the NWO USMCA Negates the Wall

President Trump’s national emergency declaration has long roots based off of historical precedence, yet the USMCA trade agreement could negate the effects of the wall. We take a look into this...

Socialist Sanders Announces 2020 Presidental Run

On Monday, Bernie Sanders – the self-proclaimed “Democratic Socialist” Senator from Vermont – officially threw his hat in the ring for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.▶️ MORE RELATED VIDEOS– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lecAy-3Qtxk– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jms7lBUx4bw–...

Illuminati | Public Education Conspiracy

In episode 38 of Myths VS Facts Art Thompson explains how the Illuminati minions expand their control over public education. Find out how teachers became the victims of this gradual conspiracy...

Soros Writes EU Obituary, Promotes Globalism

George Soros, the radical billionaire leftist who funds many “left-wing policies around the globe” wrote an online op-ed last week lamenting a potential collapse of the European Union.We look into why...

Are Your Police Becoming Militarized?

With all the chaos and anti-cop rhetoric in the streets, police departments are drawn to federal grants without realizing the strings attached. Find out the agenda behind this and what you...

Socialists Tip Their Hand With NWO Green New Deal

The Green New Deal, which apparently is the brainchild of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, would commit American industry and all American citizens with a task of achieving net-zero greenhouse emissions in 10...

SOTU: Trump Seeks to Unify America

Trump’s third State of the Union address was undoubtedly his best. Seeking to unify the country in a call for American greatness he delivered various powerful remarks. Perhaps his best was...

Disrupting NWO With Pro-Life Measures

The recent passage of New York’s disgusting abortion law has made the news rounds with supporters gleefully cheering that “a pre-born baby may be killed at any time up to full-term...