About: CSpoehr

NWO Moving US to Democracy

When you recite the Pledge of Allegiance, to what form of government do you reference? We look at applying a limited government filter to all proposals in the marketplace of ideas—including...

US Withdraws From UNESCO

If UNESCO celebrated New Year’s last week, it did so without the U.S. and Israel—as January 1st marked the official day of leave for both countries from the United Nations Educational...

The LIEO: Biggest Loser of 2018

Even though 2018 seemed to be a tough year for those working to return America to its Constitutional roots, there is hope!The silver lining of 2018 is A Wall Street Journal...

Trump Orders Troops Home. NWO Freaks!

Trump’s order to bring home American troops from Syria caused the NWO-supporting neo-con establishment to go ballistic. We look into America’s founding principles for the solutions to the mess in the...

Texas Declares ObamaCare Unconstitutional

U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor of the federal district court in Fort Worth, Texas, has stepped up and declared the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. Find out why he did so and...