About: CSpoehr

Trump’s Major Announcement

Following his 12-day trip in Asia, President Trump spoke about trade and announced the renegotiating of the U.S.–Korea Free Trade Agreement.International Merger by Foreign Entanglements book:https://www.jbs.org/store/shopjbs/international-merger-by-foreign-entanglementsStop the Free Trade Agenda JBS...

Will Trump Stop Trade Globalization?

President Trump declared an America First trade policy while at a globalist trade summit in Vietnam. His speech sounded like his 2016 presidential campaign promises. We explain more and suggest three...

Nov. 4: Where Was Antifa?

The November 4 protests never materialized to the potential that they could have. So what happened, and where was Antifa?We answer these questions and more in this episode of Analysis Behind...

Connecting ANTIFA & Radical Islam

With Saturday, November 4 coming this weekend, along with the expected planned protests of the forces that make up Antifa, we answer the question, “Who Is Antifa?” in this episode of...

How to Be a 21st Century Patriot

Concerted action is the key for real change in America. Here at the John Birch Society, we provide the tools to bring about less government, more responsibility, and –with God’s help–...

Eye on ANTIFA: November 4th

In this Straight Talk episode, we repeat the good advice that John Birch Society CEO Arthur Thompson gave in this week’s Analysis Behind the News.Take Action!1. Learn why planned demonstrations like...

What to do about ANTIFA on Nov 4th

Lots of speculation as to what will happen on November 4! Socialist and pro-Communist groups are planning occupy protests in at least 15 cities across the U.S.We dive into some scenarios...