About: CSpoehr

Renegotiating NAFTA?

Renegotiation for NAFTA have begun. With the upcoming midterm elections in the U.S. and the 2018 general election in Mexico, in which a new president of Mexico will be elected, proponents...

Talks of Revamping NAFTA Begins This Week

This week begins the negotiating process for revamping the North American Free Trade Agreement. Now that we’ve withdrawn from the TPP, renegotiating NAFTA is exactly what globalists want as the next...

Exposing Violence in the Streets

The Charlottesville, VA “Unite the Right” violence points to a tactic of divide and conquer to keep Americans battling each other to help grow governmental control.In this edition of Analysis Behind...

UN Paris Agreement: Is Trump Out or In?

The latest announcement from the Trump administration may leave climate realists disappointed since they plan to eventually rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and engage with the United Nations climate change schemes....

NAFTA Renegotiations Begin Next Week!

A favorite tool of the globalists will be on rare display next week, as NAFTA renegotiations begin.We discuss trade agreements and offer suggestions on how you can help in this episode...

Renegotiating NAFTA

U.S. Trade Representative and CFR member, Robert Lighthizer, informed Congress of the Trump administration’s intent to renegotiate NAFTA. We discuss the process and what you can do to help in this...

NAFTA Threatens US Security

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has been around since the early 1990s. Trade has a direct impact on the security of a nation. During World War II America had...