About: CSpoehr

Regionalism: How ObamaCare is Merely a Tool

As Congress paves the way for the repeal of ObamaCare, Democratic Congressmen have come out swinging. Learn why there is a definite push to change the American system of government with...

What Will Balance the Budget?

With an unprecedented national debt of $20 trillion and the likelihood of continued unbalanced budgets, we’re only a handful of states away from the calling of an Article V constitutional convention...

Will the Electoral College Stand Firm?

Imagine being harassed and receiving death threats to change your vote. That’s what many of the electors in the Electoral College have reported. Yet why is that, if the Left stands...

What Will Trump’s EPA Look Like?

While last week we focused on what we saw wrong with some of Trump’s nominees, let’s look at a bright spot: head of the EPA. Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt has...