About: CSpoehr

The John Birch Society: Making a Difference

Members of The John Birch Society have greatly influenced the body politic. Indicators demonstrate that this influence continues to strengthen and grow. Mr. Thompson will show how members made the difference...

Are Guns to Blame?

In this 1977 presentation, Charlie Smith lays out the case for armed self-defense, and exposes what’s behind the campaign to disarm the American people. ...

TRIM: Cutting Big Government

After establishing that the House of Representatives is the key to restoration of economic sanity and that an uninformed electorate is at the root of the problem, this entertaining video presents...

ObamaCare 101

JBS CEO Arthur R. Thompson takes you into the new healthcare law. He identifies a pattern of government broken promises, revealing that if something is too good to be true, then...

GOP Rewards Gov. After Vetoing Pro-Life Bill

JBS Vice President of Communications Bill Hahn’s weekly news video update for May 30 – June 5, 2016.In this week’s Analysis Behind the News video, JBS Vice President of Communications Bill...