JBS News Analysis

What’s Happening Behind the News?

Tune in every other Thursday for an analysis behind the news, where we provide perspective that you can use to save American liberty and independence. Globalists are now working harder than ever to skew what you see and hear through the news; we set you on the right path by exposing the forces shaping your world, why, and what you can do about it.

A perspective that you can use to help save American liberty and independence. Every other week, you’ll be given action items and tools to use in your fight for freedom. Don’t miss JBS Weekly Analysis!

Continuing Police Militarization

What do you think will be the outcome of equipping local and state police with military gear and training? Is this gear essential...

Exposing Violence in the Streets

The Charlottesville, VA “Unite the Right” violence points to a tactic of divide and conquer to keep Americans battling each other to help...

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