NJ: Summit – Video Showing


7:00 pm EST


Event Type

Video Showing

“Myths vs. Facts” by Arthur Thompson

You are cordially invited to a video of Arthur R. Thompson, the National Council Member of The John Birch Society, as he gives a review of his book, To the Victors Go the Myths and Monuments. You will be amazed at the history that we have never been taught, because the people and organizations that run the deep state do not want you to know it. Please remember that if our view of the past is faulty, our vision of the future will be faulty as well.

When: Monday, November 27, 2023

Time: 7:00pm

Admission: Menu Purchase

Where: Marco Polo Restaurant & Tavern, 527 Morris Ave., Summit, NJ 07901

Questions: Contact Kip Webster at kwebster@jbs.org or (973)934-1775.

This event is hosted by the Madison, NJ, Chapter of The John Birch Society.