Happy Memorial Day! Too often we celebrate Memorial Day by honoring the sacrifices of those past and of those present without giving a thought as to what we as a country have done or are doing to ask our men and women in uniform to make those sacrifices.

Unfortunately, there are many decision-makers that have no qualms about abusing the trust that our military has placed in its leaders. We discuss this and suggest what you can do in this episode of Analysis Behind the News.

Action Item #1: Read The Life of John Birch:

JBS members can download it for free by logging into JBS.org and going into the Archives under Books.

Action Item #2: Thank a veteran and then consider putting your time, talent, and skills to ensure that our military is never abused, but works in defense of our Constitution and our Americanist ideals and never the globalist agenda. To do that, join The John Birch Society today at JBS.org. https://www.jbs.org/join