Canada’s socialistic demands for incorporating gender equality into NAFTA 2.0 provide a perfect opportunity into how non-binding UN guidelines become law. We discuss this globalist convenience in this episode of Analysis Behind the News.

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Course of Action
1. Download free Kindle edition of Get US Out! of NAFTA booklet. Then rate and review!
2. Contact Pres. Trump and Congress and tell them to get us out of NAFTA (contact info in booklet).
3. Share with others and ask them to do the same.
4. Join The John Birch Society (visit

Helpful links:

Get US Out! of NAFTA Kindle Edition

U.S. unlikely to accept NAFTA gender chapter with teeth: trade experts

Canada’s 10 NAFTA demands: A list of what Canada wants as talks start this week

Canada Pushes for Progressive Demands in NAFTA Renegotiation