A favorite tool of the globalists will be on rare display next week, as NAFTA renegotiations begin.

We discuss trade agreements and offer suggestions on how you can help in this episode of Analysis Behind the News.

Please be sure to share with all your friends and family and enlist their help. Get involved in the JBS today!

Helpful links:

Contact President Trump and Congress to tell them to get out of NAFTA:
President Trump: 202-456-1111
Your representative: 202-225-3121
Your senators: 202-224-3121

NAFTA’s ‘Broken Promises’: These Farmers Say They Got The Raw End Of Trade Deal

Don’t Renegotiate NAFTA: Get US Out!
article: https://thenewamerican.com/don-t-renegotiate-nafta-get-us-out/
reprint: https://www.jbs.org/store/shopjbs/action-projects/stop-free-trade-agenda/don-t-renogotiate-nafta-get-us-out-reprint