JBS CEO Art Thompson’s weekly news video update for March 7 – 13, 2016.

In this week’s Analysis Behind the News video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses Romney and the GOP Establishment’s fierce opposition campaign against the frontrunner Republican presidential candidate and its implications for constitutionalist candidates running for Congress, both in 1964 and 2016. In 1964, Thompson recalls, Michigan Governor George Romney, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, and the GOP Establishment came together to mount a stop-Goldwater campaign, which tainted the waters for constitutionalist conservative candidates running for the House and Senate in 1964, making it virtually impossible for them to win, and in turn setting the stage for the landslide election of President Lyndon Johnson and the Democrats to Congress, whom shortly after ushered in what became known as “the Great Society.” Now in 2016, Mitt Romney and the GOP Establishment are launching a fierce stop-Trump campaign, which may likewise have the adverse affect of hurting the chances of various good constitutionalist candidates of being re-elected or elected to the House and Senate and also setting the stage for the election of Hillary Clinton. Thompson encourages us to divorce ourselves from the drama of the presidential race and instead to focus on helping to educate voters about the issues and electing constitutionalists to Congress.