Last week’s knee-jerk reaction by the NRA and some in the GOP perfectly demonstrate why our Constitution must be jealously guarded. We discuss this surrendering of the Second Amendment in this episode of Analysis Behind the News.

Please be sure to follow-up with action, as well as to share this with all your friends and family!

Course of Action

  1. Read “Las Vegas Reaction Shows Risk of Con-Con to Second Amendment” by The New American.
  2. Share the article on social media.
  3. Print out the article to share with state legislators, along with a dual feature DVD.
  4. Visit state legislators in teams of two and ask them to read and view the materials.
  5. Follow-up with subsequent visits.
  6. Be sure to contact your local JBS Coordinator for further guidance (visit

Helpful links:

Las Vegas Reaction Shows Risk of Con-Con to Second Amendment

Dual feature DVD of “Nullification vs. Constitutional Convention” and “A Crash Course on a Constitutional Convention”

Choose Freedom—Stop a Constitutional Convention Action Project Page

Contact Your Local JBS Coordinator