“Going nuclear” highlights a much bigger problem that faces American jurisprudence: corruption of the system by political influence. Shouldn’t judges simply apply the law as written? Instead of interpreting the law, shouldn’t they just obey it?

In this installment of our weekly “Analysis Behind the News,” we look at how our justice system has morphed into an unwieldy animal creating extraordinarily bad precedence as judges continue to pile on their opinions of interpretation that involves their own personal proclivities and political agenda. Will Judge Gorsuch be any different?

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Helpful links:

Reid triggers ‘nuclear option’ to change Senate rules, end repeat filibusters:

Trump backs curbing filibuster if Dems block Supreme Court pick:

Pocket Constitution:
Free PDF download: http://www.jbs.org/images/ConstitutionDownloadnew.pdf
Printed: https://www.jbs.org/store/shopjbs/declaration-of-independence-constitution

Anarchists Respond to Trump’s Inauguration, by Any Means Necessary:

The Enemies Within:

Trump’s First 100 Days: