A special edition of the JBS weekly analysis video with JBS CEO Art Thompson, December 28, 2016

In this special edition of the JBS weekly analysis video, JBS CEO Art Thompson discusses the recent vote in the United Nations Security Council against the Israeli government expanding construction into East Jerusalem causing more people to be alarmed about the United Nations. The John Birch Society had forecasted this years ago outlining the dangers of the United Nations even at the founding meeting of our organization. Most don’t realize how many issues can be traced back to the United Nations, such as Common Core, nationalizing police, and Agenda 21. Getting America out of the United Nations would be the solution to all these issues.

To learn more be sure to watch and share this video with your friends.

Helpful Links:

UN Resolution on Israeli Settlements Prompts Mixed Reactions: http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/asia/item/24937-un-resolution-on-israeli-settlements-prompts-mixed-reactions