The words “national reciprocity” have been on the lips of nearly all concealed carry supporters, so while a bill for it is sailing through Congress, Republican leadership is coupling it with a gun control measure!

We look at this and wonder how “shall not be infringed” could be any clearer in the Second Amendment in this episode of Analysis Behind the News.

Please be sure to follow-up with action, as well as to share this with all your friends and family!

Action Items
1. Contact your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121
and your U.S. Representative at 202-225-3121
and ask that H.R. 38 and H.R. 4477 be split and brought up for separate votes.

2. Tell Congress you support H.R. 193 to Get Us Out of the United Nations. (

3. Sign up for the free Top Daily Headlines email that provides 5 top constitutional news headlines of the day (

4. Learn more about “How to Rein in Big Government” by using Article VI of the Constitution (