UN “Sustainability” Schemes Behind War on Farmers & Food

The United Nations, Deep State, and globalist elites do not just aspire to form a one-world government. They seek to take full control of the planet, including the economy, our country, our lives, and our children.

This master plan for technocratic and totalitarian control is found in the UN’s Agenda 21 and the newer and even more draconian Agenda 2030. The aspects of life and society they seek to hijack are euphemistically outlined as “Sustainable Development Goals.” The WEF’s “Great Reset” and the UN’s “Build Back Better” plan go hand-in-hand with Agendas 21 and 2030.

Originally, those pushing for Agendas 21/2030 used climate change as the impetus for advancing those plans. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Deep State found another excuse for executing their master plan for humanity.

Agenda 2030 is already being implemented in our country and world. For example, the global elites have declared war on farmers in an effort to control the global food supply. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards, which pressure individuals and companies into adopting leftist policies, are being implemented. And carbon-capture pipelines, funded by some of the same groups promoting ESG, threaten Americans’ property rights.

Although Agenda 2030 is presented as being “nonbinding,” it is actually a form of “soft law.” This means that government entities often choose, or are pressured, to adopt it, thus making it legally binding.

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