Fully Accredited Classical Education

Established in 2005, American Opinion Foundation’s mission is to create awareness about the documents and traditions that have distinguished the USA as unique in history and the need to sustain what our Founding Fathers left to future generations.

By 2012, FreedomProject Education began with a handful of K-12 students delivering them a live, online classical education. They quickly outgrew the lower level of The John Birch Society Headquarters and purchased a separate building, due to a generous outpouring of donations.

Free of Common Core

Now nearing 1,000 annual enrolled students, FreedomProject encompasses four areas: Academy, Curriculum, Partnership, and Media. FreedomProject Academy offers a fully accredited, Common Core free, Classical education for Kindergarten through High School.

FreedomProject Curriculum is dedicated to publishing Common Core free educational materials to begin to be released Spring 2019. FreedomProject Partnership serves schools and churches with specific online educational needs, while FreedomProject Media brings a mix of educational and informational programming and related content to inspire a culture beyond the world of K-12.

Future Patriots & Leaders

Please consider utilizing FreedomProject to fully prepare your K-12 child or grandchild to be a great patriot leader.

As the parent organization of FreedomProject, American Opinion Foundation has future aspirations to deliver Classical education at the university level in its own brick-and-mortar school. Until we create our form of Classical college education, please enjoy this video of conservative colleges worth considering.