Total Strategy & Our Only Weapon

"Education is our total strategy, and truth is our only weapon," wrote JBS Founder Robert Welch.

Why such an emphasis on it? Education is one of the most important elements of a free society. It puts us in the driver's seat for understanding what the proper role of government is and knowing if elected officials are abiding by Constitutional principles.

Creating an informed electorate is vital to a successful, prosperous nation. There is no short-term plan for taking back our country, but our education has stood the test of time by using truth as the cornerstone of our success.

We Provide What You Need

Members of The John Birch Society receive a subscription to The New American magazine, and the monthly Bulletin which provides continuous coverage of the threats to your rights and liberties, as well as what you can do to counter them. Our organization also publishes solid and hard-hitting literature you can use to help inform others they can take action, too.

Plus, members also receive a members-only Bulletin that helps to further their education on the most important topics affecting our independence and rights, but also culminates in providing specific direction that allows your local action to be felt nationally. And that is the key to our effectiveness! We invite you to explore our products and consider how we can help you stay informed. More importantly, we also invite you to join!

Step by Step Education

The JBS Agenda details our entire agenda and serves as a reference manual for members. It is our 10-point game plan for securing our God-given freedoms and rights by stopping the globalists’ drive towards a UN world government. In addition, our monthly JBS Bulletin fosters concerted action by our national network of chapters by providing direction to members regarding the latest priorities and specific action requests for the various Agenda items.

Click here for a PDF of the 36-page JBS Agenda booklet.