About: Olivia

2:12 – Resources To Use In Action 

The John Birch Society has many tools to offer in this battle. Let’s begin with going to JBS.org and clicking on our “Stop a Constitutional Convention” action project. There you will...

2:8 – False Solutions: Balanced Budget Amendment

Beware of false solutions.There are many people and organizations that sound as if they want to protect the Constitution.  Unfortunately, their solutions will ultimately destroy the Constitution and dramatically increase the...

2:7 – False Solutions: Term Limits

Proposing a constitutional amendment for “Term Limits” is one of the most popular campaign messages out there. Many who believe term limits will fix the problems in Washington have no idea...

2:5 – Talking With Your State Legislators

Most Americans have never sat down and had a conversation with their state legislator. This may seem a bit overwhelming, but it’s easier than you think. Here is what you do.Legislators...

2:4 – Taking Local Action

To stay ahead of the threats means you must stay educated. An important part of that education is to understand the mechanics of the U.S. Constitution and our Constitution Is The...