When Government Expands, Liberty Contracts
In this episode of Straight Talk, Christian Gomez explores how emergency orders being issued by state governors are trampling on the Constitutional rights...
A show by millennials and for millennials. We discuss current trending topics and how they affect you! Topics like the building of a border wall, the rise of socialism, our faulty education system, and the future of healthcare are just some examples.
By tying together the top news of the day to what actually needs to be discussed, JBS Straight Talk won’t leave you empty-handed. Tune in each week to learn what else you can do to get involved to preserve your freedom and independence.
In this episode of Straight Talk, Christian Gomez explores how emergency orders being issued by state governors are trampling on the Constitutional rights...
Christian Gomez discusses the socialist ideas of both Republican and Democrat lawmakers in Congress to bailout the economy, including the creation of a...
Shortly before suspending Parliament because of the chaos, Canadian lawmakers rushed to unanimously pass Bill C-4, known as the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement (CUSMA)...
Christian Gomez explores an alphabet soup of Trade Unions and entanglements, including APEC, FTAAP, TPP and the Pacific Union. He’ll explain why these...
In this episode of Straight Talk we dive into what’s in store for U.S. trade policy this year, as revealed by the newly...
Can the state legislative chambers of 38 states truly be the “ultimate safety valve”guarding against any rogue or bad amendments? The Convention of...
A radical immigration bill known as the “New Way Forward Act” has been referred to the House subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship. The...
In an attempt to the Equal Rights Amendment into the Constitution, the House of Representatives has proposed H.R. 79, which would remove the...
Britain joined the European Economic Community in 1973 as a free-trade arrangement. What they didn’t realize was the political integration scheme; better know...
Even though President Trump signed the USMCA Implementation bill H.R. 5430 into law, it does not mean our work is over. Education is...