Category: Activate America

Join Us and Lead America!

Now, more than ever, your patriotic leadership is needed. Is this the America our Founders envisioned? Is cowering in fear, closing our businesses and churches, deliberately ruining our economy, and disrupting our entire way of life in any way what our Founders expected Americans to do?

Our Private Property Rights are Eroding

When our Constitution was drafted, the Founders knew that Private Property was essential to a free Republican form of government. This is why the Bill of Rights mentions it in both...

Political Theater of Hydroxychloroquine

The full-throated effort to discredit hydroxychloroquine is at a fever pitch. Federal agencies claim that it doesn’t work and is dangerous, but studies demonstrate the opposite effect and the drug is...

Will Vaccines Become Mandatory?

Are you ready for mandatory vaccinations? Last week, the University of Tennessee announced that all on-campus students, staff, and faculty will need to have flu shots, including for COVID-19 when a...

How China Infiltrates America

As misinformation in the news continues to climb, so does the amount of problems that are left unreported. Have you ever considered the lengths the government of China will go to...

Merging Local Police Into National Police?

Leftist organizations such as ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter are not only calling for police reform but also de-funding and abolishing the police. This week Art Thompson discusses some fundamental principles...

BLM Founder Admits Marxist Roots

Even though we have been pointing to these Black Lives Matter protests as organized by Communists, using Communist tactics, it’s nice when one of the founders of the movement actually admits...

Marxism In Your School

What we are witnessing with the riots in Seattle is an effect of the Marxist Agenda. This week, Art Thompson discusses several instances he has personally encountered with the deliberate Marxist...

What’s Really Behind the Riots?

How do you ensure riots in the street will directly affect every single American? By using an old Communist tactic that nearly always guarantees results for those flooding the streets. We’ll...

Will Americans Learn Our True History?

Have you noticed the recent move by liberal entities such as HBO, the schools, television networks, and libraries to ban books and shows, which have been a part of our culture...